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Hawthorn tincture.

Flower, leaf and thorn.

To heal and balance the physical emotional, multidimensional heart.

Hawthorn is a wonderful heart medicine, balancing blood pressure, circulation, and pulse. The virtues of hawthorn are so many that it needs only be said to let hawthorn heal your heart, and heal it she will.

I gathered hawthorn leaves and flowers from the edges of my favourite wild meadow on a bright and sunny May morning. I also added a few thorns, I like to add thorns to my heart medicines, because they help to create and maintain strong boundaries around that soft, healthy and open heart.

Take 10-20 drops up to 3x daily either under the tongue or in water. 30ml.

*all creations are made within sacred space with deep reverence for and connection to the wild*

Wild Hawthorn Tincture

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